Saturday, May 17, 2008

You're Not A Thug: An Observation

keep it real homie i dont need to pull the card,

this city is too small for you to swear you run the block,

and i know you well at least who you used to be,

you were always a square type now you movin b,

why you at the spot w/ a stance,

you hard bc that Jeezy they playing has your posture amped,

funny bc i know you've never even been ina fight,

and altho you carry one you've never pulled your gun to ignite,

i dont understand why you would choose it,

might as well put blanks in the clip if you ain't gonna shoot it,

got goons around so you feel large in the faction,

if it's about eating then you must be starved for the action,

easy to depart from the math kid,

i'ma hit your house and tell your mom how you're acting,

you see i've grown older so i'm calm with the passion,

but i'm laughing when i hear all this gun play while y'all are not blastin....

I hate psuedo thugs, i'm sorry I can't stand them. I'm not at all saying it's wrong to be a 'thug', just saying if you're not properly equipped to be one leave it for those who are. I love seeing people I grew up with this altered persona about them. It's okay to be yourself these days, isn't it? Everybody wants to be the hardest goon on the block, or sell the most weed or hold the most weight, and flex as if they're going to take on the world everytime they have an altercation. That's cool if that's who you really are, but when you're not that's when you get your card pulled.

If you played on a soccer team with me, and your mom used to bring us orange halves for halftime and I see you ice grilling everyone in the spot, i'm going to laugh at you....

If you went to private school your entire life, and your parents are independently wealthy why are you trying to hang out on the bad side of town, buy a gold grill, and act like you're going to be the biggest pusher in your city? That's not who you are....

And lastly, if you switch sets every other week, befriend people who are supposed to be your sworn enemies, or put everything you claim you're going to do on your set but you never do it. That is not 'Gangster', and it definitely doesn't make you a thug.


Anonymous said...

True that.
It's one thing to have come up in that life, escaped it, and still walk the walk, talk the talk... Another thing when that was never the lifestyle that one was brought up in, but a person still talks like that's all that they have ever known.
What you have described is some people I have come to know as fakers. I find it ironic that they also say that they are "keepin' in real".
Now that's what I call Real Talk.
Great post, MilkDrop.

Anonymous said...

thank you sir, unfortunately i know and see too many of these types everyday.